Featured on The Sound of Scenesat, vol. 7 - Out Now
28 Oct
The Sound of SceneSat, Vol. 7
“The first time you played me this track (Voyage 707) I was in love with it. This is IMHO the best track you have made in sound and feel. That reverb on that snare just hits the nail on the head. Also the homage to Ocean loader on the C64 part. Lovely!” – Jimmy “Firefox” Fredriksson
The Legendary SceneSat Radio have released their sixth compilation album in their iconic series, The Sound of SceneSat, vol. 7 . SoS 7 contain a whopping 91 tracks with six and a half hours of eclectic variety.
The album is out now on Spotify , YouTube and Bandcamp .
I have made three tracks on the compilation:
Voyage 707
World Apart
In addition to this, I also mastered one track for Jogeir Liljedahl and two tracks for Teo, (Track #1 + Track #2 )

Link to SoS 7 on Spotify
Link to SoS 7 on YouTube
Link to SoS 7 on Bandcamp
Link to SoS 7 on SceneSat Radio
Link to SoS 7 Release Event Recording on SceneSat Radio
Link to SceneSat Radio