Featured in Maltesen magazine 2017 vol. 111
12 Dec
Hotet från hantverket!
“För åtta år sedan var alla amerikanska småbryggerier bästa kompisar men sedan dess har relationerna hårdnat. Vi är så oskyldiga i ölvärlden. Det är hantverk och trevligt, goda smaker och kärlek till alla. När branschen växte sig stor nog blev den en business som alla andra.” – Tomas Danko
In the latest issue of Maltesen magazine the cover article touches on the current trend with large brewing companies and distributors cashing in on the craft beer movement through different methods. One of the brewers quoted in the article turns out to be me, and on numerous occasions at that.
Once again several highly skilled brewers are being asked the same question in the article, I am humbled to have been included one way or the other. The article can be found starting on page eight. The magazine is in Swedish and distributed in hard copy and prescription only although members of Svenska Ölfrämjandet can download the magazine in PDF-format. However, you can buy Maltesen over at Humlegården .
Article portrait line-up consisting of great brewers, and then there’s me

Link to Maltesen
Direct link to issue 2017-4 and the article in PDF-format
Link to PDF archive of the magazine
Link to Maltesen at Humlegården Webshop